홈 본원안내
- Low Serum 25 Hydroxyvitamin D Is Associated with Poor Clinicopathologic Characteristics in Female Patients with Papillary Thyroid Cancer
- 24권/11호 1618~1624 | Thyroid
- High prevalence of papillary thyroid cancer in Korean women with insulin resistance
- Head and Neck
- Nonalbuminuric proteinuria as a biomarker for tubular damage in early development of nephropathy with type 2 diabetic patients
- Diabetes Metab Res Rev
- Duration of diabetes and effectiveness of insulin in the management of insulin-naïve Korean patients uncontrolled on oral antidiabetic drugs: a sub-analysis of the MOdaliTy of Insulin treatment eValuation (MOTIV) registry results
- 51권/4호 655~661 | Acta Diabetol
- High-normal serum uric acid predicts the development of chronic kidney disease in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus and preserved kidney function
- 28권/2호 130~134 | Journal of Diabetes and its Complication
- Clinicopathologic characteristics of synchronous primary thyroid cancer detected by initial staging 18F-FDG PET-CT examination in patients with underlying malignancy
- 23권/11호 1431~1436 | Thyroid
- False-positive radioiodine uptake in a functional ovarian cyst in a patient treated with total thyroidectomy for papillary cancer
- 52권/20호 2321~2323 | Intern Med
- Partial cutting of sternothyroid muscle during total thyroidectomy: impact on postoperative vocal outcomes
- The scientific World Journal
- Diagnostic value of metabolic tumor volume assessed by 18F-FDG PET/CT added to SUVmax for characterization of thyroid 18F-FDG incidentaloma
- 34권/9호 868~876 | Nuclear Medicine communications
- Concurrence of primary hyperparathyroidism and metastatic breast carcinoma affected a parathyroid gland
- 98권/8호 3127~3130 | J Clin Endocrinol Metab
- Urinary Cystatin C and Tubular Proteinuria Predict Progression of Diabetic Nephropathy / Diabetes Care
- American Diabetes Association
- Factors associated with the development of new onset diffuse thyroid F18-fluorodeoxyglucose uptake after treatment of breast cancer in patients without a history of thyroid disease or thyroid dysfunction / Thyroid
- 22권 1호 53-58 | 미국갑상선학회
- Preoperative serum thyroid stimulating hormone levels in well-differentiated thyroid carcinoma is a predictive factor for lateral lymph node metastasis as well as extrathyroidal extension in Korean patients: a single-center experience / Endocrine
- 39권 3호 259-265 | SPRINGER
- Effect of once-yearly zoledronic acid on the spine and hip as measured by quantitative computed tomography: results of the HORIZON Pivotal Fracture Trial / Osteoporos Int
- 21권 7호 1277-1285 | SPRINGER
- Limited cytoprotective effects of amifostine in high dose radioactive iodine-131 treated well differentiated thyroid cancer patients:Analysis of quantitative salivary scan / THYROID
- 18권 3호 325 ~ 331 | MARY ANN LIEBERT INC PUBL
- Determination and Prediction of P-Glycoprotein and Multidryg-Resistance-Related Protein Expression in Breast Cancer with Double-Phase Technetium-99m sestamibi Scintimammography / ONCOLOGY
- 70권 403 ~ 410 | KARGER
- Comparison of Gated Blood Pool SPECT and Multi-Detector Row Computed Tomography for Measurements of Left Ventricular Volumes and Ejection Fraction in Patients with Atypical Chest Pain: Validation with Radionuclide Ventriculography / CARDIOLOGY
- 107호 8 ~ 16 | KARGER
- Characterization of Follicular thyroid Nodules at Fine Needle Aspiration Biopsy Using Double Phase Thallium-201 Imaging: Comparison of Visual and Semiquantitative Analyses / THYROID
- 16권/12호 1243 ~ 1249 | MARY ANN LIEBERT INC PUBL
- Remnant lipoprotein particles induce apoptosis in endothelial cells by NAD(P)H oxidase-mediated production of superoxide and cytokines via lectin-like oxidized low-density lipoprotein receptor-1 activation: prevention by cilostazol / CIRCULATION
- 109권/8호 1022 ~ 1028 | LIPPINCOTT WILLIAMS & WILKINS
- Vascular NADH oxidase is involved in impaired endothelium-dependent vasodilation in OLETF rats, a model of type 2 diabetes / DIABETES
- 51권/2호 522 ~ 527 | AMER DIABETES ASSOC